Esta página contiene ligas de interés general.
TRM-DOPPLER Installation Cookbook: A quick
cookbook to install from scratch Tom Marsh's new Doppler tomography
software in a Linux machine.
MOLLY COOKBOOK: How to prepare a series of spectra for use of Doppler tomography in
PyDoppler: A python wrapper to run, plot and analyse output from Henk Spruit's dopmap software (which has an IDL interface).
PYTHON trucos: Lista de trucos útiles que he aprendido durante mi experiencia utilizando PYTHON.
STIS Photons: Rutina para asignar energía/longitud de onda a cada fotón en la lista de eventos del instrumento STIS-HST.
CV DATABASE: Base de datos de Variables cataclísmicas basado en el catálogo final de Ritter & Kolb.
Astronomy Cheatsheet: Some handy equations/transformation I keep forgetting yet use all the time.
My XSpec Cookbook: How to fit an X-ray spectrum under 1-minute. Includes useful novice commands.